Sleeping with the Enemy…

  Most smokers, when asked what their biggest challenge or problem they face when quitting smoking will offer a range of answers. Some will say it’s the cravings… others will say it’s the habit, they are so used to smoking at certain times, in certain places with certain people. I’ve even had people say it’s…

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How to End a Relationship with a Lover Who Betrays You AND Come Away Feeling Great

What would you do if you found out that your best friend or lover had betrayed you? I’m not talking here about an acquaintance or someone you know at work, I’m referring to someone who’s been around in your life for years. The two of you go way back… when you got to know him/her…

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Amongst other things… New Year resolutions…

It doesn’t seem that long ago since Christmas, and the New Year celebrations, but I am somewhat amazed that it is already February, and the time has just flown by… My mum used to say, the older you get and the quicker the time goes… and it does seem like that. But of course in…

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Welcome To My Stop Smoking Now Blog…

Hello, Welcome to my blog dedicated to helping you quit smoking. Well actually I don’t mean that… for anyone can quit smoking (you do it every night while you are asleep, or during a long-haul flight!)… but you know what I mean… I’m talking about never ever thinking or wanting a cigarette or tobacco product…

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