
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy - What is it and how can it help me?

Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses hypnosis as a tool to essentially treat a number of different issues. These issues mainly fall into three categories. These are emotional, psychological and habitual difficulties. Hypnotherapy is also used in surgery, dentistry and life-coaching. The use of hypnotherapy to stop smoking is gaining in popularity. Consequently stop smoking hypnotherapy is the number one choice when it comes to smoking cessation.

The British Medical Association has recognised hypnotherapy as the most effective help available to treat the addiction of smoking. In addition research comparing different studies of hypnotherapy has shown that on average smokers are over five times more likely quit with hypnosis than by willpower alone.  Furthermore, studies have shown that stop smoking hypnotherapy is also proven to be more than twice as effective as nicotine gum. According to the New Scientist journal "Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking".


Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind, often called an 'altered state of awareness'. Most of us experience this phenonmen every day. It occurs spontaneously without any thought or effort on our part. Typically it  happens while daydreaming, dropping off to sleep at night, or when simply absorbed in a good book or film. For example we commonly drift into an hypnotic state whilst driving! How many times have you driven somewhere, completely safely, and wonder how you got there? Maybe you have little conscious recollection of the journey but you have still navigated the route with ease. This is similar to how hypnosis works.

Hypnotherapy works

Hypnotherapy will help you move into a deep, relaxed state where your mind is more open to suggestion. As your hypnotherapist I will look to change your thought patterns by making suggestions such as  ‘I do not want a cigarette’ or ‘I am disgusted by the smell of cigarette smoke’. As a result, you will find quitting smoking much easier than you ever thought possible.

Please click here for frequently asked questions regarding hypnotherapy.

Meet your therapist...

Hi I’m Jackie Hill, a fully qualified integrative psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner. I have over 20+ years experience of working with a diversity of people and issues. I am  a member of the The Hypnotherapy Association, and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. In addition, I am also  a Registered Practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Register and an Accredited Practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. Consequently I have to abide by their Code of Ethics and Practice. This includes undertaking regular supervision, having professional insurance and committment to continued professional development. I know you are busy so I’ll come straight to the point… If you really want to quit smoking and have tried to quit and failed several times then stop smoking hypnotherapy is for you. Maybe you’ve tried nicotine replacement therapy, e-cigarettes, prescribed drugs and even 'cold turkey'. Or read numerous self-help books on smoking cessation but all to no avail. If so, then please give me a call and I will help you to unravel what it is that holds you smoking.

How I will work with you...

To treat smokers who want to quit, I use a blend of hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) alongside Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).  This is a highly successful approach as it tackles not only the addiction and habit of smoking nicotine but also the psychological dependence to smoking. However, the key factor to success is your determination to quit smoking. There is simply no point in having hypnotherapy if you are not determined to stop smoking. Please don't confuse this with being too addicted to quit. Provided you really want to stop smoking together we can make it happen. For more information about NLP and CBT please read more here I look forward to hearing from you soon…

    Bsc (Hons), Adv.Dip.SACH.Hyp, MBHA, GQHP, DipSW, PQSW