
Frequently Asked Questions...

Imagine having the Confidence of Knowing that You Can Trust Yourself NEVER to Smoke Again.

  • q-iconIs hypnotherapy the same as stage hypnosis?

    Stage hypnosis uses willing participants who “want to be seen performing”. The hypnotist screens potential participants in advance of the show using a number of  susceptibility tests. The hypnotist does not have any actual power over them other than their desire to perform. The purpose is to create an illusion that someone can ‘take over’ another persons mind to get them to say and do things against their will. This is simply not possible. No person can take over another person’s mind using hypnosis. If it were possible we would all be like robots. Hypnotherapy sessions use hypnosis which is a very natural state of relaxation. It is a state we all experience on a daily basis. It seems like the state of daydreaming, something almost all of experienced at school. It is at this point that you become more aware of your subconscious and at the same time totally aware of your surroundings. Which is why you immediately ‘snap back’ to attention if the teacher says your name or asks you a question. Hypnotherapy uses this relaxed state during treatment to allow direct communication with the subconscious mind.

  • q-iconAre hypnotherapists regulated?

    Hypnotherapy As it stands hypnotherapists are not currently regulated in the UK. This means there are no laws which outline the level of training and experience required in order to practice. However, there are professional bodies where hypnotherapists can join, and whose process verifies proof of relevant qualifications and insurance cover. I am a member of the The Hypnotherapy Association and the Complimentary and Natural Health Council.    In addition I am a Registered Practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Register . I am also an Accredited Practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. This means I have to undertake regular supervision, have professional insurance and be committed to continued professional development.

  • q-iconHow regularly will I see my hypnotherapist?

    We will decide together on how often we meet. Initially, we may meet on a weekly basis, but after a while you may choose to see me less often. It all depends on improvements and how you feel.

  • q-iconCan anyone be hypnotised?

    Almost everyone can be hypnotised. However, alcohol and drugs can hinder the process. It is best not to receive hypnotherapy whilst suffering a cold. As constant coughing and sneezing may prevent you from entering the hypnotic state.

  • q-iconWhat happens in a hypnotherapy session?

    In your first session I will gather some information about your smoking history. Such as when did you first start smoking, why and whether you have tried to quit before. I will also ask you your reasons for wanting to quit and why now.  Gradually we will build up a profile of you as a smoker exploring your beliefs about smoking and what triggers you to smoke. I will also explain how the treatment works, and practical details such as how many sessions may be needed. Hypnotherapy will usually start on our second appointment together.

  • q-iconWhat happens after hypnotherapy session?

    Most people report feeling of tranquil and calm after a hypnotherapy session. During hypnosis you will be given post-hypnotic suggestions. This is a suggestion which involves an action to be carried out later when you are in a normal waking state. For example it maybe associating the word STOP everytime you feel like lighting up a cigarette. You will also be given training in self-hypnosis to help you in specific situations, or to enhance treatment between sessions.

  • q-iconWhat does hypnosis feel like?

    There is no fixed ‘hypnotised feeling’. Every person reacts differently to hypnosis. Many people feel at ease and aware of their surroundings, as in a relaxed daydream.

  • q-iconWill I lose control?

    Hypnotherapy cannot make you do anything against your will. You stay in control of your mind and are entirely free to think your own thoughts whilst being hypnotised.

  • q-iconWhat if I don't come out of hypnosis?

    Hypnosis is not sleep and does not involve losing consciousness. Hypnosis is an enhanced state of relaxation. You remain aware of what is going on around you and will not at any time lose control. If anything, hypnotherapy heightens self-control and awareness.

    We all enter a hypnotic state many times each day. For instance,when you are driving along and realise you cannot remember the last few miles. You have been driving safely and in control. You’ve reacted to traffic and the road conditions, but you were in fact in a light state of hypnosis.

  • q-iconCan I be made to do something against my will?

    No. You remain in control throughout hypnosis. In the unlikely event that a suggestion were contrary to your values, beliefs or principles, you would ignore it or come out of hypnosis spontaneously.

  • q-iconWhat is NLP?

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming was initially created in 1975 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They began modelling and duplicating the ‘magical results’ of a few top communicators and therapists. Studies were made as to what those people did inside their head to produce successful results. Models of this was duplicated in a series of techniques which can be applied to others

  • q-iconWhat is CBT?

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy combines cognitive and behavioural therapies. It focuses on thoughts, emotions, physical feelings and actions and how they impact on each other. CBT teaches a person to be more aware of each stage of a behaviour or action. In this way you learn how you can break the cycle of smoking habit by recognising the triggers and intervening at an earlier stage.

If you have any questions not featured here please contact me either by email on jackie@want-to-stop-smoking.com or telephone me on 07936076581

faqs hypnotherapy
faqs hypnotherapy

Jackie Hill – Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist
BSc (Hons); Adv.Dip.SACH.Hyp.; MBHA; Dip.SW.DipHE, PQSW.
Member of the General Hypnotherapy Registar (GHR).”

PS: Please Email Jackie at jackie@want-to-stop-smoking.com if you have any questions about any of the programmes or information on this website – I’m here for you, and my desire is for you to achieve the success you deserve and become the master of your own destiny.